m+m: movement + meaning is a software framework geared toward building real-time, distributed systems. The acquisition, processing, and rendering of movement data can be local or distributed, real-time or off-line. Examples of systems that can be built with m+m as the internal communication middleware include those for the semantic interpretation of human movement data, machine-learning models for movement recognition and movement analytics, the representation of semantic properties of movement data in virtual characters, and the mapping of movement data as a controller for online navigation, collaboration, m+m is a middleware m+m is based on the well established YARP middleware and has the following key features:
  • Modularity
  • Easy integration of new components
  • Real-time, low-latency communication
  • Low threshold deployment and maintenance
  • Processing components for data acquisition, feature extraction, display, system control
  • References

    m+m: A Novel Middleware for Distributed, Movement Based Interactive Multimedia Systems. Ulysses Bernardet, Dhruv Adhia, Norman Jaffe, Johnty Wang, Michael Nixon, Omid Alemi, Jordon Phillips, Steve DiPaola, Philippe Pasquier, and Thecla Schiphorst. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Movement and Computing, MOCO '16, pages 21:1--21:9, New York, NY, USA, 2016. ACM. [ bib | DOI | http ]